What Kinds of Food Should You Pack on Your Trip?

Don’t you just hate trying to remember everything you have to pack, getting your house in order, organizing what you will do, making calls, and other errands, and then having to make sure you have enough snacks and food for your trip? How do you shop for a trip? What food will you include? Some of that depends on how long you will be gone, what you plan to do during your stay, and whether you plan to cook while you’re there.

Food You Should Pack on Your Next Trip

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One way to save money on your trip is to take groceries and rent a hotel or house with a kitchenette, which allows you to fix your own meals, saving you hundreds of dollars during the course of your vacation. I mean: think about it- if you eat just one meal a day out, you’re spending anywhere from $50-$100 per meal at a nice restaurant (depending upon the size of your family). By preparing your own meals (at least some of them), you can save a lot of money.

Here is a shortlist of items you may want to stock up on if you plan on cooking at least part of the time:

  1. Beans & soupsEasy to prepare, super easy to clean up, and inexpensive, beans and soups can easily be prepared over an open stove or even in the microwave in a short period of time. So they are simple and cheap and easy to pack.
  2. Breads and sandwich spreads– The staple item of a good fast lunch while on vacation is the standard sandwich. But perishable meats are dangerous to take with you because they can spoil easily in a hot car, causing a serious health concern. Instead, take non-perishable items such as peanut butter, which is high in protein, and other items that are easy to pack and use to make sandwiches.
  3. Cereals & Nuts– Cereal is a great non-perishable also that you can fix with milk (you can buy milk at your location once you get there). It allows you to stir up a quick bowl of cereal on the spot, or mix it with your other items for a larger meal. Cereals, nuts, and grains also give you plenty of energy and protein, which you’ll need on your trip for hiking, water sports, or other activities.
  4. Snack bars– Try not to overload on chocolates or candy. These will melt quickly too! Take nut bars and healthy snack bars instead for a quick pickup in the middle of the day, on the road, or anytime before hitting that trail. Skycap News staff favorite PowerBar has been a time tested carry-on bag tradition for many years.
  5. Energy Drinks and Water– You can never have too many energy drinks while you travel around in the hot sun, beaches, and hiking trails. Try to find healthy drinks such as Gatorade, which has electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and others that help boost your energy levels and keep you from getting dehydrated. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too!

Packing Food For Your Next Trip Summary

These Vacation Tips to Save You Time and Money will keep you from having to fix elaborate meals, which you probably will not want to do anyway while traveling on vacation. Save the elaborate cuisine for the times you eat out, but keep the rest of your getaway simple and save money at the same time! So you’ll have more time and money for food & fun!

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