What to Do with Your Old Vacation Photographs

If you’re like most people (over the age of 20), you probably have some old vacation photos that you’d like to do something with. I know I have boxes of old vacation photographs that I don’t want to be forgotten about but I wasn’t sure what to do with them. But, there are actually several things you can do with old photographs that will restore and maintain their natural beauty for years to come, and preserve them nicely for easy access later.

Ways to Archive Vacation Photos

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Scan them and save them on your computer. Scanning is still something you can do to preserve and edit old 35 mm photographs, allowing you to enhance them and keep them in a digital form. Let’s face it: anything that stayed on a paper form or hard media will eventually go “back to the dust from which it came.” By digitizing your old vacation photos via scanning, you will have them captured to your hard drive so that you can do anything you want to do with them later on.

Display them in digital photo books, such as are available on Shutterfly, iPix, or other formats. GrooveBook, another digital photo capture method platform, allows you to also take your digital photos and print them out and save them to the print medium and preserve them in a neat hand-sized photo book, as well. Combining the digital and analog print methodology allows you to keep your memories intact, no matter whether you took them with your digital camera or an older, analog version.

Upload them to an iCloud OneDrive, Google Drive, or another backup platform. While I believe it is still important to keep hard copies of media, in case the sky drive were to malfunction and lose your data, it is just as important to back up “real world” paper and media copies on a sky drive, in case something happened to the original photos. Many people have lost precious vacation photos they took in a house fire or other tragedy, which can never be replaced. By backing them up to a sky drive, you have a digital copy as well. Create photo DVDs. By scanning or uploading your digital photos, you keep them in a secure location. But one sure way to make sure you never lose them is to create digital photo DVD’s that you can play and share with others. This method can preserve them in a chronological form, also so that you have a running record, and is a perfect example of How to Document Your Vacation, as it happened.

More Public Ways of Saving Vacation Photographs:

Use online tools like Slideshare. Slideshare is a great online tool that gives you another place to house your digital photos or photos from negatives you have scanned into digital form. It also allows you to share them with select people, groups of people, or others that you so choose.

Share or keep on social media. Facebook actually has seemingly unlimited space that you can house your media and digital vacation photos. You don’t even have to share them with others to utilize this resource, but it’s easy to do, should you ever decide to share them.

These are a few easy ways you may preserve your analog or digital photos (as well as other media). There are plenty of online tools, sky drives, and other resources that will help you to house or display your precious vacation memories for years to come, without the fear of losing them. For additional photography travel tips, be sure and check out our Skycap News previous article How to Take the Best Vacation Photos.

Organizing Old Vacation Photos Final Focus

Now, that you’ve got the old photos taken care of for future generations of family to enjoy, check out this extremely informative video above from Award-winning travel and nature photographer David Cardinal on “How to Become a Better Travel and Vacation Photographer.”

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